Romay Stories: The HONESTY Of Who I Am.

My strength is not just in standing firm, but in the graceful dance of change. Setbacks are not roadblocks, but merely detours on a journey of growth. I do not crumble; my inner fortitude is a wellspring of renewal in the face of adversity. But re-calibrates turning obstacles into opportunities for self-discovery because change is the only constant. So, embrace it with anticipation. The focus is transforming the old into the new with a blend of wisdom and courage.

I am not a survivor, but a pioneer of my life’s narrative. It is in clarity that I understand my strategic and analytical mindset. It is an approach of problem solving like a game of chess with each move deliberate, each decision weighed with foresight and steps forward with precision.

My actions are mental clarity that cuts through chaos, turning complexity into order. My mind is a battleground where scenarios get played out, risks assessed, and strategies formed. It is a thought process and consideration of various outcomes before acting. This is not a cold or detached emotion, but a dance of the intellect with intuition. A blend of hard data with soft insights. My decisions are not impulsive, but well thought out reflecting a depth of understanding that goes beyond the surface. It is a fortress of logic, a sanctuary where decisions are not just made but crafted with artistry of a control mind thought process.

The connections with others do not weaken my individuality, but in fact pronounced in the intimate dance to maintain the sufficiency, the testament to a strong sense of self. When I form genuine bonds, I cherish the deep connections, yet my independence is paramount. I do not cling, nor do I merge into the identity of those whom I love.

Instead, I stand alongside my partner as equals, distinct yet united. The relationship I desire is mutual respect and trust. I give a lot and expect the freedom of identity in return. Understanding genuine connection does not mean losing yourself in another. I do not drown in fear of loneliness. For me, freedom in the relationship is not a challenge, but a natural state. I navigate the complexities of togetherness with ease that come from a clear sense of who I am, both within and outside the realms of my relationships, reflecting my personality in honesty.

It is with clarity that I embody self-reliance, navigating life with an intuitive spirit. The emotional intelligence and compassion match my confidence and tenacity. I am an unconventional thinker and thrive on originality, while my flexibility and adaptability accounts for my nature as a blessing in times of change.

It is with gratitude that I love a more authentic and fulfilling life with grace following the path less traveled and live on purpose. I choose not to live in someone else’s shadow!




Published by

Lady Cupido

Award-Winning, Bestselling Author of 21 Books/Products, CEO/Founder Cupido Trust, CEO Cupido Group. Recognized National Association Member Of Experts, Writers & Speakers. Philanthropist; Co-Author Of "Mastering The Art Of Success" With Jack Canfield; Co-Producer "The Jay Abraham Story Movie", Telly & Quilly Award-Winner. Brand: Mission-Driven to Inspire GIVE-BACK Project for Entrepreneurs in Deprived Countries, Women & Girls suffering in Domestic Violence, Building Home Projects to Re-Locate families in poverty or war zones to create homes they can call their own.

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